Your local Specialist Orthodontic Practice We Want To Make
You Smile
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The Clear Alternative
To Braces
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Your local Specialist Orthodontic Practice We Want To Make
You Smile
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Your local Specialist Orthodontic Practice We Want To Make
You Smile
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About our Orthodontist

Ciara O’Neill

Our Specialist Orthodontist, Ciara O’Neill, lives in the local community. She attended UCC for her dental degree and after several years in general dentistry, decided to specialise.

Ciara is very committed to customising the right type of treatment for you. Creating a pleasant, attractive smile while maintaining the health of teeth and gums is of paramount importance to her.

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Our Blog

When tooth brushing is a challenge.

We are all told how important it is to teach the children in our care how to brush their teeth. Most children do not have the manual dexterity to do a good job brushing their own teeth until they are about 8 years old.  Other children may need help for longer. So parents and carers…

Thumb Sucking

Lots of babies and small children suck their thumb, finger or soother. They find it comforting, and satisfying. Children will often stop sucking habits by themselves by 2 or 3 years old. Sometimes they need to be encouraged to stop, perhaps by allowing Santa or the tooth fairy to take the soother and leaving a…

Baby teeth – do they matter?

It is tempting to think that baby teeth don’t matter – after all, they are going to be lost anyway, aren’t they? But they are just as important as adult teeth. They are necessary for eating, for helping with speech, and also for the development of the jaws and the adult teeth. Underneath each of…

of experience
professional development
conferences attended

Do you want to
improve your smile?

If you would like to straighten your teeth, improve your bite or just be happier with your smile, we would be delighted to see you. At the initial consultation your orthodontist will:

  • Examine you carefully
  • Give you some ideas of what orthodontics can do for you
  • What treatment options might be suitable
  • How long the treatment might take
  • Answer any questions you might have.
  • We will also give you a quote for the treatment fee and explain our payment plans

We are looking forward to meeting with you!

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